I wanted to let you know how fantastic The Jiggers were on Saturday night. We had a fabulous ceilidh – I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it, and it was exactly what I’d hoped it would be. The Jiggers really provided a wonderful atmosphere. The music was great, and the calling just right – enough, but not too much. As soon as the musicians started playing, I felt we were in secure hands, and could relax and enjoy the party.
At one point, I felt that numbers were thinning out, as some people were leaving early, and I wondered about closing the party with a last dance or two. But Dougie judged that there were still a good number of people, and plenty of life left in the party. I trusted his judgement, and he was right – we continued on for another half an hour, and it didn’t feel that the party was dragging on or dwindling at all. That professional experience of managing an event was exactly what I was hoping The Jiggers would provide, along with the music, and they did!