

The Jiggers perform at a large number of weddings and events every year. During the busy seasons in particular, musicians are often expected to play late finishes, pack up and then drive a long way home, several nights in a row. Therefore, in the interests of health and safety, it’s our policy to ask our clients to make overnight accommodation available for our personnel, in the event that playing times or location would mean they would end up travelling home at a dangerously late time. Performing can be a physically and mentally tiring process, and we want to ensure that no one takes unnecessary risks. For this reason, we want to offer our musicians accommodation when they are booked for especially late events.

When we quote, we enter the timings of the events, our booking system will tell us whether we need to request accommodation, so we won’t spring this on you after you have booked.
Usually, if a venue is more than 1 hour from Glasgow, or an event runs on past midnight, there is a chance that we’ll reach the accommodation threshold, at least for the DJ who tends to be the one finishing off.

In some cases, we will let you know the cut-off times, in case it helps decide when to finish, or when to stop the ceilidh band part of the evening for example.


We like to offer the client the chance to arrange this – many are happy to do so, (often they are already booking hotel rooms for guests).
If you prefer not to arrange it, we can factor in the accommodation cost, at an additional fee of £100/person + VAT.


If you are arranging the accommodation, we request the following stipulations.

  • 4-star rated B&B or Travel-Lodge style motel.
  • Late night check-ins allowed.
  • Bed and Breakfast.
  • Located either within a few miles of the venue, or en-route to Glasgow.
  • One room per person.
  • En-suite facilities.


If you have any queries about the proposed accommodation, we’re happy to discuss it. We recognise that this is a special request, and don’t want to cause you any stress in trying to organise it. We have just found that most customers prefer to arrange this themselves, because they have already assessed the accommodation options, and can do it for a better rate, as well as avoiding the additional VAT!

Thanks for your understanding in this matter.

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